Friday 20 July 2012

Holograms Explained!

Ever wondered what causes the changes in shapes in colors when you tilt your driver’s license? Holograms. Holographic technology exists everywhere around us. They are present in passports, bills, entertainment tickets, etc. But what exactly are holograms? They are a record of three-dimensional image of an object. The photo below demonstrates what that actually means. Like a photo, it collects light from the original source but a hologram collects it from various points giving it that unique three-dimensional effect.

Pros and Cons

How Does This Benefit Me?
- Identity protection
- Cost effective
- Provides authentication
- Quick and easy form of validation
- Decreases counterfeit

Okay, What Are the Downsides.
- Requires expensive technology
- Time consuming
  when creating
- Varies in different
- Not a stable market
- Improvement needed

Companies Involved

The idea of hologram’s is catching on fast in many big organizations. For example, ICBC has implemented this new technology in their “enhanced drivers licenses” which provides efficiency and security for their customers. Other organizations such as The Government of Canada and the Bank of Canada have integrated this technology into their practices to reduce forgery and prevent identity theft. So keep in mind the next time you are served efficiently at the border, you can thank holograms for that!

What to Expect in the Near Future

Want to gain a competitive advantage? Implementing new technology is a good place to start. For example, a leader in the tech industry, Apple, plans to incorporate the holographic technology into its next iPhone. It will project a laser keyboard onto any surface, which will create more space to type for those with clumsy thumbs! Furthermore, the company “Inphase” is inventing a new form of data storage through holography. It will allow large data capacity while enabling many levels of data integrity. This means that with the large amounts of space will come a stable base of information that can be accessed immediately. Now that memory storage has become inexpensive, companies such as Inphase will be looking to exploit more efficient ways to store data.

A Cool Thought

Imagine at the next conference meeting that your boss is held up in a flight delay. Wouldn’t it be cool if he were able to appear in holographic form? With advancing technology, it shouldn’t be too long that holography will be able to achieve this!